
Those who face that which is actually before them, unburdened by the past, undistracted by the future, these are they who love, who make the best use of their lives; these are those who have found the secret of contentment

-Alban Goodier

Saturday, September 26, 2009


My mom used to tell me to love

Regardless of everything

Love, so that I will be loved in return.

But does blind love really bring happiness?

Apparently not.

So I've decided to stand up for my ideals

I've decide to hate

So that I can hold precious what I love

I've decided to hate anything and everything that stand against the things I love

And I want to see if the world responds with hate.

Because under all that hate, its actually love :)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

So scared of being old, I'm only good at being young

One passing second spells a moment

Each passing year spells an eternity

I know I am not a person who can age gracefully

I am probably having my very own Summer of 69 now

I'm not a wolf at my prime

But I suspect I'll become a wolf when I'm old

Without edge

Without energy

Without passion

Without time

and be left toothless and abandoned.

So scared of being old

Because I'm really only good at being young.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Its a cheap and cool age

Its cheap, where silly antics can make one the big hoo-ha

Its cheap, where marketing is worth more than the actual object

Its cheap, where people can stay infront of their computer the whole day

Its cool, because this is our age

because we now have control of where it is heading towards

and won't you agree if I said that we wouldn't have it any other way?

So stop complaining about our age, our life
and start fighting (and quit being a goddamn pussy) :D

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Dream a little

Talk a little, sing a lot
walk a little, dance a lot
smile a little, laugh a lot
dream a little, live a lot

Living a life we want to live is not only about dreaming, it is also about following our impulses and doing things.
So to all the dreamers, this is our time to live...
To experience all that we can, to make mistakes that will be forgotten,
To enjoy the journey that is unfolding in front of us.
To live :)