
Those who face that which is actually before them, unburdened by the past, undistracted by the future, these are they who love, who make the best use of their lives; these are those who have found the secret of contentment

-Alban Goodier

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Thanks 2008

Its going to be a new year soon!

I had a great year, wonderful stuff

But thats only because of the people around me!

I would like to thank

1. All my friends that supported me
ok! let me try and list some out here!

Old friends: the people that have been irritating me for a couple of years, but still let me punch them a couple of times everytime i see them. my moral support for all occasions!

  • Yi hui (bloody long time gal, bloody long)
  • Quan Kai (always the joker, always the bamboo)
  • Si hui (straight, solid piece of work)
  • Melissa (crazily energized person)
  • Gladys (super nice person!)
  • Whelan (ex-wife)

Friends: Friends that have been irritating me for less then old friends (but still irritating) gawd, how grey my life would be with all of ya! (but i'd probably miss people out, too many great peopleeee)

  • Brandon (girls)
  • Lay Yan (smart dude, smart mouth, plain smart)
  • Raphael (bloody bastard, have to vie with me for everything)
  • Jeremy (new new new! nonsense!)
  • Yong Qing ( been a great 3 years knowing ya! lets go for that uni entrance together!)
  • Wan Ying (the ever cute little sis)
  • Pearlyn (miss president! but before that, she is a giant fishball and we all love her! :D)
  • Maureen ( i'm cooking tortise soup, want some? a girl that smiles when she don't know what to do)
  • Siu Wen (ah weeeennnnn..... when can we have luncchhhhhhh :p)
  • Justina (thanks for the tissue, super cool design :p)
  • Jacq (wonderful girl!)
  • Vicky (great and super girl that turns me head over heels :p)
  • Sarah (YES YOU! the one from photog club! nice improvement on your pictures :D)
  • Hannah (its a new year! the last year became better since i met ya :p)
  • BIABIA (AH BIAAAAAAAAA, you're a super cool person! lets do something crazy!)
  • Atiqah (erm, my name is farhannnn)
  • Jun Hao (the first picture i saw of ya was an unskirt of ya!)
  • Jin Wei (the egomaniac! :D)
  • Mahen (the well structured dude that dissappears)
  • Shi Yun (dead fish! super cool person, super cute too! :D)
  • Edward (another my my gay partner, sorry i've been fooling around :p)
  • Karen (ahhh! good luck for your next year)
  • Amy (cute girl! thanks for the letters)
  • Kwan Chet (when are you gonna start growing hair and chase maureen?)
  • Double Zhens (who is yu and who is su? i don't know)
  • Ciel (superb artist, wonderful insights!)
  • Wan Yun ( made my attachment fun, love her lots. lets go out for a movieee soon!)
  • Esther (made my attachment full of nonsense, love her lots too. ROARRRRRR)
  • Wen Qi (made my attachment feel shorter, love her toooo. BUY THAT BRANDED BAG)
  • Melvina (camp camp camp! :p)
  • Timothy (kim moh, change colour liao?)
  • and many many more, but i type until hand pain liao (if you want your name here, find me and kiss me!) Disclaimer: offer is only avaliable for girls :D


2. My family for their endless understanding
3. Lady luck for always being with me
4. My laptop, thanks for lasting and i hope you'll be here next year :p

my new year resolution? There is only one of em'

Punch out my limits and do things that are impossible

thanks everyone, and i hope that all of you will be with me in 2009

Gesundes Neues Jahr

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I'm tired, i've tried

I try my best

So I'm gonna settle for my best

If my best wasn't enough

I'll keep on improving

Monday, December 8, 2008

Post it

I'm having a headache now

Give my bed back

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I was talking to someone today, and my first sentence was an "Errr"

Then I started thinking,

Whats is up with "Errr"

Why do so many people (like me) like to use it

No matter how you look at it, its still not a stylish opener

Girls don't get turned on by "Errr" (I think)

Therefore I have thought and came up with a theory

Its called "The need to make sounds faster than you can think" Theory

When people meet, or they are answer questions

They feel the pressure to reply quickly, or to start quickly

So they do it, without thinking

So when the mouth is opened

The only sound that comes out is a "Errrr"

Therefore my theory is (its not any less cool than Newton's)

Let time that "Errr" lasts be E

Let time needed to clear hesitations be H

Let time needed to think be T


E = H + T

Essentially, we are just showing people that we act before we think!
Or that we just cannot make up your mind.

Which is a bad thing.

I therefore start the Anti-Err Campaign

Call 1800-IDUNLIKEERRR to know more

Slow down everyone, you're missing the good stuff that you can come up with!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Bad day

Its a sad day

Today, my friend of 6 years expressed his love for me...

No, its not a typo

Its a him

But his hopes were short lived

Quan Kai: pak i hav always been in love with you
Pak Wing: i always wanted to screw you too

In this case, screw means that I want to put his head(not mine) into his arsehole :p

On an note that is unlike the depressing topic above that scarred my self confidence, let me sum up some interesting things that happened :p

I took up dancing classes, Pak Wing's got talent!

Tried to drown myself in an expensive liquid

Went out on an werid guy hugging trip

AND AND AND! I hadn't got the pictures yet...
peace out