
Those who face that which is actually before them, unburdened by the past, undistracted by the future, these are they who love, who make the best use of their lives; these are those who have found the secret of contentment

-Alban Goodier

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I was talking to someone today, and my first sentence was an "Errr"

Then I started thinking,

Whats is up with "Errr"

Why do so many people (like me) like to use it

No matter how you look at it, its still not a stylish opener

Girls don't get turned on by "Errr" (I think)

Therefore I have thought and came up with a theory

Its called "The need to make sounds faster than you can think" Theory

When people meet, or they are answer questions

They feel the pressure to reply quickly, or to start quickly

So they do it, without thinking

So when the mouth is opened

The only sound that comes out is a "Errrr"

Therefore my theory is (its not any less cool than Newton's)

Let time that "Errr" lasts be E

Let time needed to clear hesitations be H

Let time needed to think be T


E = H + T

Essentially, we are just showing people that we act before we think!
Or that we just cannot make up your mind.

Which is a bad thing.

I therefore start the Anti-Err Campaign

Call 1800-IDUNLIKEERRR to know more

Slow down everyone, you're missing the good stuff that you can come up with!

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