
Those who face that which is actually before them, unburdened by the past, undistracted by the future, these are they who love, who make the best use of their lives; these are those who have found the secret of contentment

-Alban Goodier

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Today, just before losing contact with the world of half month... I suddenly had the urge to look at what my friends are doing, what my family has been really up to and how everyone feels.

Everytime I look back, I lost something along the way

I lost friends
I lost feelings
I lost laughter
I lost love

Then what have I gained?

No one will ever read this blog, yet I do update it once in awhile.

Maybe a few years down the road, someone will come and read this.

Read this, and know that I'm missing you

Read this, and know that I'd love to receive a call from you

Please find me again, in case I managed to lose you too.